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Signs of an Opioid Addiction

Signs of Opioid Addiction 1

People with severe pain due to chronic conditions, surgeries, and injuries can use opioid medication for pain relief. The drugs change the brain’s response to pain by blocking the pain signals. However, opioids are addictive. Even people who strictly follow their doctor’s instructions can develop a chemical dependency. It is essential to identify the signs of opioid addiction in time. Many Americans die every day due to opioid overdose. Furthermore, most of the people abusing heroin started by using prescription opioids. Fortunately, you can help a loved one struggling with this epidemic to overcome through professional help in a rehab center like Recovery Bay Center.   Someone abusing opioids can show various signs depending on several factors. Be on the lookout for mental, physical, behavioral, and psychological changes.  

Tolerance and Withdrawal 

When people abuse opioids, their bodies develop tolerance. That is why many abusers continue to enhance their dosage to experience the desired effect. As such, monitor an increased tolerance to understand when your loved one develops drug abuse tendencies.   People dependent on opioids for recreational purposes may spend most of their time and money on the drugs. At this point, it would be best to visit a qualified rehab facility for professional treatment.   Therapists can offer a comprehensive treatment plan that incorporates several programs, such as: 

Long-term substance abuse alters the brain’s functioning and causes physiological changes. If your loved one develops drug dependency, it becomes difficult to quit because of the body’s reaction. Quitting causes uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.   These signs’ severity may depend on the type of drug consumed, how long your loved one has been using, and overall health condition. While many people can hide their substance use disorder initially, it becomes evident after some time due to tolerance and withdrawal. 

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Behavioral Signs of Opioid Addiction 

Behavioral change is one of the symptoms that can help identify when you or your loved ones require professional addiction treatment. Apart from physical changes, drug abusers may develop some behaviors not previously exhibited.   The abuse of prescription and illicit opioids can cause a wide range of behavioral changes, including: 

  • Social isolation
  • Secretive behaviors
  • Lack of interest in hobbies
  • Financial problems
  • Dishonesty and deceit 

The behavioral signs of opioid addiction can affect a loved one’s life in many ways. For example, a substance use disorder can cause individuals to ignore their physical appearance, grooming habits, and dental hygiene. People battling addictions focus on getting drugs and ignore vital self-care practices.  

Impaired Judgment 

Drug abuse, including the misuse of opioids, deeply impacts the mind and has profound repercussions on one’s judgment and behavior. When under the influence of these substances, many people often make improper judgments, leading them to act in ways they otherwise wouldn’t. The immediate effects of opioids and other drugs can distort reality and impair judgment, making individuals more likely to engage in risky behaviors. Over time, chronic abusers begin to show a noticeable decline in acceptable behavior. This deterioration often stems from their increasing desperation to obtain their next fix, to the extent that they might do anything to get more drugs.

Notably, men’s addiction treatment has been a pivotal focus in many rehab centers. Recognizing that the challenges and pressures faced by men might differ from those faced by other groups, specialized treatment plans are curated to address these unique issues and triggers.

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Substance abuse fundamentally alters how people think and feel. Chronic drug use can bring about significant psychological changes that can manifest in shifts in priorities, beliefs, attitudes, and overall thought processes. For instance, long-term opioid abuse might lead to feelings of apathy, a more cynical outlook on life, obsessive thoughts about drug use or obtaining more drugs, and the potential development of mental health disorders or personality issues.

It’s crucial for loved ones to be vigilant and observant. Recognizing these signs early can be the difference between timely intervention and further degradation of the individual’s mental and emotional health. Rehab centers, especially those offering men’s addiction treatment, play a significant role in this recovery journey. With the guidance and support of rehab center professionals, families can learn how to identify these signs and initiate the necessary steps to help their loved ones break free from the chains of addiction and recover from this widespread epidemic.

Contact Recovery Bay Center for Opioid Abuse Treatment  

Do you suspect your loved one has signs of opioid addiction? Reach out to our experts. Do not wait any longer because the situation can deteriorate, leading to a fatal overdose. Substance use disorders can cause life-threatening experiences, but early treatment saves lives. Contact Recovery Bay Center at 833.991.2955 today for a safe and life-changing opioid abuse treatment.